Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Garlic-Herb Braid

My first post on my new blog - oh gees!  Bare with me here, I promise they'll get better.

So, we had another snow day from school today - two in a row - and what better thing to do on a snow day than bake bread.  Actually, first we slept in, a must!  Then we watched some of Season 2 Always Sunny In Philadelphia - hilarious - grabbed some lunch at the Sunshine Deli and took a little trip to Flower Village - love that store!  I may have gotten a new green scarf and bracelet.  We also visited Matt's Grandma.  THEN, we made it back home and I baked this AMAZING bread!

Matt even said it was the best bread he's had in a long time.
It's quite easy compared with some recipes and as long as you've got the right seasonings, it's very low maintenance.

What you need:
4 to 4 1/2 cups flour
3 Tbsp sugar
2 pkg quick-rise yeast
2 tsp dried basil
1 3/4 tsp dill weed
1 1/2 tsp salt
3/4 garlic powder
3/4 dried rosemary, crushed
3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup butter, cubed
1 egg
1 Tbsp butter, melted

Large bowl, combine 1-1/2 cups flour, sugar, yeast and seasonings. In small saucepan, heat milk, water, and cubed butter to 120-130 degrees.  (I love the food thermometer we got for our wedding - comes in handy!)
Then add heated mixture to dry ingredients, beat just until moistened.  Add egg, beat till smooth.  Stir in enough remaining flour to form soft dough.

Turn onto floured surface, knead until smooth and elastic, about 4-6 min. Cover and let rest 10 min.

Divide dough into thirds.  Shape into 15 inch rope.  Place ropes on greased baking sheet and braid - pinch ends and tuck under.  Cover and let rise in warm place until doubled, about 25 min.  (I usually put my bread by our space heater)

Bake at 375 for 20-25 min. or until golden brown.  Brush with melted butter.  Delicious!

We're going to have it with some beef, barley soup tonight - which I suppose I'll post about later.

A small note at the end of this short blog - I will sometimes alter recipes to the way we do them - if it works for us and it's easier, than that's the way we'll go.  I don't like to get too complicated with I'll change them sometimes.

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