Monday, January 30, 2012

Cinnamon Swirl Cupcakes

Eat your heart out Cupcake Contest!

I have never been a "cupcake baker."  I never saw the point - just make the whole damn cake and be done with it.  I thought cupcakes were tedious.  And they still kind of are...however, at school there is an upcoming "Cupcake Contest" on Valentines Day for any staff to participate in.  Now, I love to cook, I love to bake, and couldn't really pass up a contest so I researched and found a few cupcake recipes I'd be willing to try - here is one!

Now, for those of you fellow employees - don't be thinking I'm automatically doing this recipe for the contest - I wouldn't give away my secrets - but this was a darn good recipe and totally worthy of sharing on my blog.  :)

Now I'm kind of cheating...but I didn't really want to re-type the whole recipe so I've just pasted the website where this AMAZING recipe can be found.  Check it out!
I will suggest though to cut down the frosting recipe - maybe even cut it in half.  My batch of cupcakes only made 19 and I had a TON of frosting left over - so go ahead and cut it in half unless you want a TON of frosting. :)

Another suggestion I have - and to make some things a lot simpler - but a cinnamon sugar mix.  This recipe calls for a sugar, brown sugar, and cinnamon mixture and some extra cinnamon sugar mix for topping.  I found this coarse sugar and cinnamon grinder at our World Market - very similar to a Trader Joe's but with home items as well as ethnic/less common food.  The World Market also has a great variety of wines and beers and some really great kitchen utensils I will have to show you in another blog.
I'm sure you could find another brand of cinnamon/sugar mixture at a Hyvee or Target, etc - probably won't be a grinder though.
Just a suggestion!

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