Saturday, January 14, 2012


Well, at least I didn't go a full year without posting... :)

Here's the thing, I last posted right at the end of the school year and then summer hit and we got busy.  And I thought to myself, "When summer is over I'll get back into blogging again."
Then, summer was over and school started back up and we got busy with football and marching season :) (cause you know we're both teacher's and we love those fall activities), AND we got busy with Moving!
We FINALLY found a bigger rental and are very excited to finally be settled into our new house.  We love the extra space, the new furniture we now have room for, all the parties we get to host now, and our cat Robby is finally comfortable in the new area.
I especially LOVE the new kitchen which is WAY bigger than our old kitchen and has A LOT more room for cooking/baking!

So, summer time.  Matt was busy shingling and I was busy with summer band lessons.  We both competed in 2 road races again this summer and worked hard training for those. 

We also both became Aunts and Uncles for the first time - congrats to Mike and Leah and baby Kelsey!

Our biggest summer event was our 2 week vacation in Maine.  We traveled with my parents and stayed with my Grandpa.  Also got to spend our 1 year anniversary at the same beach where we spent our honeymoon - PERFECT!

Of course, being in Maine, we ate A LOT of FRESH seafood.  Grandpa does a great job of cooking amazing dishes for us.  One of our best nights was our "seafood feast" and Matt's first experience with lobster!

We also cooked up our own Pollock and Cod from our Deep Sea Fishing trip off the Maine coast.  Definitely a "once in a lifetime opportunity" because we are NEVER doing that again!  At least we didn't throw up for the full 10 hours like my dad...ew!  But, BEST fish I've EVER eaten!

So I guess there's a peak at our busy summer - not much of an excuse not to blog, but for all of you loyal fans and friends, I am BACK and stay tuned for some great new recipes!

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