Saturday, January 14, 2012

First Thanksgiving

Because we were in the process of moving for a few months we were best friends with our crock pot. :)  Sometimes I wouldn't get back from painting our new place until 11 or 12pm.  When we finally moved into our place we didn't have a kitchen to use because we were getting new flooring in the kitchen, so there wasn't a lot of opportunity to cook - I missed that.
So, one of our first times back to cooking together, like we love to do, was our first Thanksgiving with just the two of us.  Normally we travel to my parents house for Thanksgiving dinner, but plans changed this year and we tried our own dinner - it was DELICIOUS and exciting!

With only the two of us, I tried a turkey breast and then got the idea to do it "chicken fried steak" style.  Matt cleaned it and we pan fried it and made a gravy as well.  It looks a little well done in the picture, but it tasted really good!

Country Turkey with Gravy
3/4 cup crushed cornflakes
1/2 tsp poultry seasoning
1/2 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp dried thyme
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
2 Tbsp fat free evaporated milk
1 turkey breast - or you can use 4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves
2 tsp olive oil

1 Tbsp butter
1 Tbsp flour
1/4 tsp pepper
1/8 tsp salt
1/2 cup fat free evaporated milk
1/4 cup condensed chicken broth
1 tsp sherry
2 Tbsp minced chives (I didn't use these)

In a shallow bowl, combine first 6 ingredients.  Place milk in another bowl.  Dip turkey in milk then roll in cornflake mixture.
In large skillet(I used a cast iron because the turkey was thicker than chicken and I thought I'd have to finish it in the oven - if using chicken breasts use a nonstick skillet) coated with cooking spray, cook turkey in oil over medium heat for 6-8 minutes, or more, until meat thermometer reads 170*.  We finished ours in the oven once the sides were crisp.
Meanwhile, in small saucepan, melt butter.  Stir in flour, pepper and salt until smooth.  Gradually stir in milk, broth, and sherry.  Bring to boil - cook and stir 1-2 minutes or until thickened.  Stir in chives.  Serve with turkey.

Also, with only 2 of us, we didn't need a ton of sides so we chose two.  We both love sweet potatoes and I had just watched the Food Network's Thanksgiving special and so the following recipe is from Bobby Flay.   Mmmmhhhhh...Bourbon...I really wish I wouldn't gotten a picture of the flames we created from burning off the bourbon...I thought our new kitchen was toast! :)

Bourbon Sweet Potatoes (this made A LOT of potatoes!)
1 stick unsalted butter
3/4 cup molasses
1/2 cup light brown sugar
pinch Cayenne
1 cup bourbon
Salt and ground pepper
8 large sweet potatoes par cooked and cut into 2 inch diced pieces
3/4 cup tasted pecans (I didn't use these but they sound wonderful)

Heat oven to 375.  Combine butter, molasses, brown sugar, and Cayenne in medium saucepan and cook over medium heat until smooth about 5 minutes.  Increase heat to high, add bourbon and cook for 2 minutes to allow alcohol to burn out.  (This is where we had trouble because we have an electric stove - so we lite a march over the bourbon mixture and it took a few times until it caught...BIG flames.  Once it cooked 2 minutes I had to put the lid on the pan to dampen the flames!  Gas stove might be easier...???)
Season with salt and pepper.
Add potatoes in pan (we were using a large saute pan).  Turn and cook potatoes until glazed - medium-high heat.

And our final side was a vegetable bake, because we both love vegetables...especially with cheese!

Baked Parmesan Broccoli (with Cauliflower)
4 bunches broccoli, cut into florets (I used half broccoli half cauliflower)
6 Tbsp butter, divided
1 small onion finely chopped
1 garlic clove minced
1/4 cup flour
2 cups milk
1 egg yolk, beaten
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
1/2 cup seasoned bread crumbs

Steam broccoli and cauliflower in steamer basket over 1 in boiling water in pan 3-4 minutes until crisp-tender.  Might need to do two baskets to fit in all veggies.  Then place in greased 13 x 9in baking dish. 
Meanwhile, in small saucepan over medium heat, melt 4 Tbsp butter.  Add onion, cook and stir until tender.  Add garlic, cook 1 more minute.  Stir in flour until blended, gradually add milk.  Bring to boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened.  Stir a small amount of hot mixture into egg yolk - so it doesn't scramble, and return all to pan - stir constantly.  Cook and stir 1 more minute - remove from heat; stir in cheese, salt and pepper.
Pour over broccoli/cauliflower  In small skillet, cook bread crumbs in remaining butter until golden brown; sprinkle over top.
Bake uncovered at 400* for 15-18minutes or until heated through.

All in all a successful first Thanksgiving!  Looking forward to next year!

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