Monday, March 21, 2011

My Friend Kelli

This past weekend I spent with my high school friend, Kelli, at her place in Minneapolis.  Had I not been sick with a cold it would've been the bestest-of-best weekends!  But it was still a super-fun time, and boy did I have some delicious food!
I don't think Kelli will admit it, but she is a very talented cook!
We had:
Greek Salad on Friday night
Panakuken on Saturday morning (homemade, duh!)
Taco Pizza, Tortilla Chips, and DAM Margaritas Saturday night (which are also homemade - the DAM stands for Dave's Airport Margaritas...long story short, her dad's recipe he got from an airport)
Omelet and Toast on Sunday morning

All of it was wonderful!  But Matt just had to try the homemade tortilla chips when I got home so we made them last night, and I didn't do too bad.
Here's Kelli's recipe:

Tortilla Chips
1 pkg small, round tortillas (Mission brand preferred but others will work)
Canola Oil
Coarse Salt

Preheat oven to 350. (375 if your oven is dumb and doesn't heat up well :) )  With a folded paper towel, dip into the canola oil and dab lightly onto one side of the tortilla.  Repeat with about 5-6 shells.  Use a sharp knife, cut the tortilla into 8 triangles.  Lay onto sheet pan in single layer and sprinkle with coarse salt. 

Bake approximately 12 minutes or until golden brown.  Make sure they get brown, otherwise they will be chewy.  Repeat with all tortillas.

Any grocery store should have different size boxes of coarse salt - don't use regular salt.

Good Job Kelli!

Also, for dinner last night, Matt grilled up a few steaks and I made cheesy potatoes to go with them.  A lot of people have their own recipe for cheesy potatoes - I like my mom's.

Cheesy Potatoes
1 pkg frozen southern style potatoes (the cubed kind), thawed
1 can cream of chicken
1 can cheddar cheese soup
1 cup sour cream with chives
1 cup crushed corn flakes or tortilla chips

In a greased 13 x 9 inch pan, combine the potatoes, cream of chicken, sour cream, and 1/2 the can of cheese soup.  Mix well and spread out in pan.  Top with remained cheese soup.  Bake at 375 for 40 minutes.  Top with crushed flakes or chips and back approximately 5 minutes longer.

This picture is from a few years ago when Kelli lived in Chicago, but I thought it was a good picture and worth sharing!  Hope you like Kelli :)

We have got to see Wicked again!

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